Saturday, 31 August 2013


"A Y D Bookmarks"

What a wonderful day, today is the another day to my fellow Augustinian students, staffs and faculty, were all excited because the University of San Agustin celebrates, the Augustinian Youth Day on August 28, 2013 at the University of San Agustin Grounds. We the 4th year Marketing Management students assign for the distribution of bookmarks, so that more students will inform the specials event of the University of San Agustin. Our teacher divides us into two groups and giving us the specific area where we can distribute the bookmarks. The areas were assigned are the main gate and side gate. I proud of myself because I’m one of  the representative of the school to distribute the bookmarks, although this is my first time to do this, but I’m excited to do it. During the distribution of the bookmarks I’m disappointed because some of the students ignore the bookmarks that I given to us but I’m happy because all the bookmarks is distributed. 

The most memorable moment in my life is being part of the Augustinian Youth Day celebration and my fellow friends who are there to support me. I’m happy that were all there at the day of celebration.

"St. Augustine Searcher of Truth"