Sunday, 8 September 2013

The Restless Pilgrim

The Restless Pilgrim is an opera on the Life of St. Augustine in celebration of University of San Agustin’s 60th Anniversary as the first University in Western Visayas and in celebration as well Patron saint’s Day last August 28, 2013.


How Restless Pilgrim Touches your Heart?

Be Spiritual Every day.
      The Restless Pilgrim was an opera for our Saint. It symbolized to become more religious everyday in our life. The part where it more spiritual when St. Augustine as first sinner on his childhood and then he realizes all his transgression and lately he desire to study and pursue to look for truth and in the end he also confess to God and repent for all his sins.
     According to the life of St. Augustine of Hippo. St. Augustine he called his neutral son “Adeodatus” which means “Gift of God”. The life of St. Augustine leads us to reflect upon singular fact the gift which “God” gives exceed even the farthest heights of human expectation.

Being True to Yourself.

       As every individual person we have a unique in ourselves, we should develop it. St. Augustine is true to himself, although he was a sinner, he tried to search for the truth how to depend for the right one. As it reflect of the music in the Restless Pilgrim music opera which gives the meaning of the true St. Augustine and also gives as the messages to search for truth. It soothes our restless mind by listening to that musical opera play by the production of the Restless Pilgrim.
      Having found the truth at last St. Augustine in characteristic it fashion, sought to embrace it fully.

Be caring for God Creation.

     According to the bible god created the earth, which divided into two the day and the night. The earth upon which he travels, all the living things and his neighbors and fellow pilgrims. Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves means doing what we can enable God to cultivate in our hearts ever greater, and purified desires for all that belongs to Heaven, for all the pain and fair and restlessness this maturing of the heart brings.

Look, Feel and Listen.

     Every day we considered ourselves, as one creation of God, we should blessed the thing we had in our life like St. Augustine who was a sinner then became a religious and more spiritual in eyes of a God. We should listen to other people and appreciate what they given to us or what they done to us especially our parent’s.

     The Restless Pilgrim signifies us to become more productive in the eyes of God, and strengthen in faith love your pilgrim church on earth. I really adore St. Augustine for being intellectual person not perfect but he has a great Love for God it was touching to that through the production of the Restless Pilgrim it gives again life to St. Augustine and we Augustinian has given the privileged to really understand and enlighten us who really was our patron Saint here in University f San Agustin.

St. Augustine: Searcher of Truth

MWF 1:30-2:30

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